
Mobile | Power Apps | UX/UI

User journey, wireframing, prototype, user testing, graphic guidelines, design system, workshop

Adobe XD, Figma, InVision, Illustrator, Photoshop, Zeplin

Design of an application using Power Apps technology for internal use within a large group. This large group is located in 100 countries with more than 100,000 employees. The purpose of this application is therefore to be able to put all the employees in touch with each other. The project was entirely in English with close collaboration with an Italian UX designer.

To meet this need, we have designed an application very inspired by 'Tinder' where employees can create 'challenge' cards with their problem and their project. Other employees around the world can match this challenge for 2 reasons: either they have the same problem, or they can bring their skills to help solve it. This is how work teams are then created. For this project, 30 screens have been created.

More than 100'000 employees | 100 countries | 30 screens